Protocols for Working with Aboriginal Communities
Working with Aboriginal Communities: A Guide to Community Consultation and Protocols - Board of Studies NSW
Links to Local Aboriginal Resource Websites
Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation
The Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal organisation dedicated to raising the esteem, pride and dignity of young Aboriginal people in their Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council
“Tharawal” or “Dharawal” as it is referred to in historical records refers to the original peoples of the southern and south western Sydney area from the south side of Botany Bay, around Port Hacking to the north of the Shoalhaven River (Nowra) and extending inland west to Campbelltown and Camden.
Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation
Provides links to many local Aboriginal service groups.
Illawarra Forum
The Illawarra Forum is the peak body working for community services and organisations in the Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. It supports community organisations, promotes expertise and innovation in community development, fosters industry development and advocates for social justice.
List of Local Aboriginal Groups
Australian Aboriginal Events and Festivals
The Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal organisation dedicated to raising the esteem, pride and dignity of young Aboriginal people in their Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council
“Tharawal” or “Dharawal” as it is referred to in historical records refers to the original peoples of the southern and south western Sydney area from the south side of Botany Bay, around Port Hacking to the north of the Shoalhaven River (Nowra) and extending inland west to Campbelltown and Camden.
Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation
Provides links to many local Aboriginal service groups.
Illawarra Forum
The Illawarra Forum is the peak body working for community services and organisations in the Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. It supports community organisations, promotes expertise and innovation in community development, fosters industry development and advocates for social justice.
List of Local Aboriginal Groups
Australian Aboriginal Events and Festivals